How Does the PPO Network Work?
This plan allows members to select any dentist of their choice. When services are provided by an in-network provider, out-of-pocket costs will generally be less than if performed by an out-of-network provider. Services performed out-of-network will be paid based on fee schedule given for each procedure.
In-network benefits are administered by providers who participate in our nationwide argusChoice PPO network. This network encompasses dentists in any of the following networks: DenteMax, Maverest, Connection Dental, Premier, TDA and Healthmart. The argusChoice PPO network has more than 275,000 access points across the United States. When verifying coverages and networks with providers, members need to refer to all the networks listed above.
Out-of-network benefits may also receive applicable network discounts from providers in networks under an agreement with NovaNet, a national network program.
What is a Network Dentist?
Network dentists agree to accept argusChoice PPO’s discounted fees as payment in full for covered services. Non-network dentists can charge you more. This means you will lower your out-of-pocket expense using a network dentist.
You can receive care from any licensed dentist. But your benefits may differ and your out-of-pocket costs could be higher with a non-network dentist.
Locate Participating Providers
Visit https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider and select argusChoice PPO network to locate participating providers.